Thursday 16 January 2014

Why generations call her Blessed? By Sheena George

 "Why do you worship Mother Mary?” This is the perennial question of my Protestant friends. My explanation never satisfies them, but I’m not bothered about their satisfaction.
  My first answer is always: ”I venerate Mother Mary, the Queen of Heaven,  a unique and most praiseworthy creation of God. But I worship only Jesus Christ.”

  Who can be luckier than this mother? She’s the only mother who got the Almighty as her own Son. Mary, whom Elizabeth filled with Holy Spirit would address as “the mother of my Lord”, was saluted by the Angel Gabriel with a new, unprecedented name “full of grace”.  This name signified the reality and actualization of God’s action and mission in Mary.

  Yes through her obedience to God the Father, redemption entered into the world. Won’t this mother, whose Son gave up His life to save us, love us as her own sons and daughters?

  “All generation will call me Blessed” Mary acclaimed (Luke 1:48). 

  The book ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’ or CCC, says, “The church’s devotion to the Blessed virgin is intrinsic to Christian worship.” The church rightly honours ‘the blessed virgin Mary with special devotion. From the most ancient times the Blessed Virgin has been honoured with the title of ‘Mother of God’ to whose protection the faithful fly in all their dangers and needs…”  Without doubt, and I’m totally convinced about it, this very special protection differs from adoration which is given to the incarnate Word and equally to the Father and the Holy Spirit and greatly fosters this adoration.

  Please note the difference between the words ‘adoration’ and ‘devotion’, and also ‘worship’ and ‘veneration’. Veneration means respect and reverence.

  Rosary the Marian prayer is actually the meditation of the salvation history. Here, I’m praying, along with Mother Mary, to Jesus Christ. Do you think Mother Mary’s function as mother of all can in any way obscure or diminish the unique mediation of Jesus Christ? No, No, No. On the contrary, it highlights the supreme power of Jesus Christ as the Saviour. “The Blessed Virgin’s salutary influence on faithful flows from the superabundance of the merits of Christ, rests on His mediation, depends entirely on it and draws all its power from it,” CCC says. I agree with it.

  Why I’m venerating Mother Mary?  It’s for her obedience, faith, hope and burning charity in the Saviour’s work of restoring supernatural life to souls making her our mother in the order of grace. This motherhood continues ceaselessly from the Annunciation and later beneath the cross and the intensity of His suffering. She’s going to be there until the eternal fulfillment of all the elect – or the chosen people.

  What’s more, taken up to heaven she did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession, continues to bring us the gifts of salvation. Yes, Virgin Mary is the advocate, helper, benefactress and mediatrix of the church.

 I'm sure what I’ve written here will bring one more blissful note to Heaven’s music.

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