Sunday, 9 August 2015

You’re sick because of your sinful life... sinners become slaves of devil

 Sin is not a small, simplistic thing. It’s not something normal. The result of a sin lies within the sin. That’s a fact. Sin is capable of destroying itself. Sin is self-destructive.
 “This is what the psalmist tells us. Psalmist says it very beautifully. Sin is not something that will destroy one’s soul only. It’s not something that will affect our heavenly or eternal life. Sin is something that will affect one’s physical body, material life on earth, health and everything, says the psalmist. This is what Holy Bible says,” says well-known Catholic theologian Rev Dr Joseph Pamplani. We read from the Holy Bible about the misfortunes of a sinner. Adam and Eve sinned. Sinners become the slaves of devil. What’s waiting for them? Total destruction.
  “People who have sinned keep away from God. The Word of God tells us about the impact of sin on the lives of sinners. First of all, you become the slave of devil after sinning. You lose control of yourself. When you interact with devil with your sinful ways, your body gets weakened. You get dried up like the way summer heat destroy things. You (sinner) become a broken man,’ Rev Dr Pamplani says.
 Psalms 38:3 clearly tells us how sin can play havoc with our lives. “Because of your anger, my whole body is sick; my health is broken because of my sins,” the Bible says. Pslams 22:15 also talks about the impact of sin: “My mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me in the dust of death.”
  “Sin destroys man. A sinner can lead a counterfeit life for some time, but not ever; for the aftereffect of sin will catch up with him. There’s a format for living a spotless life – as a husband, wife, family, son, daughter or father and mother. When you lead a life according to the will of God, that’s a sinless life,” he says. When you cross the boundary of this format which is based on God’s will, that becomes a problem. In short, sin means straying away from the goal towards God.
  “A sinner sometimes leads a double life. After leading a sinful life, he or she shows a different face to the people, or in other words, leads a fake or counterfeit life,” Rev Dr Pamplani says. For example, a husband who cheats on his wife and leads a promiscuous life. He pretends that he’s a honest husband and fakes love to his innocent wife in the family. He is cheating not only his wife, but also his conscience and God. This kind of sin leads to what you call tragedies of sin. His body gets weakened.
  So a sinless state means a state of not cheating himself or herself. It also means not cheating others. It also means not cheating God, he says.
 The tragedies or disasters created by sin are not that something that God gives us as punishment. God’s only plan is how to regain the man who has fallen into sin. The belief that God punishes a sinner is a wrong notion as God’s plan is to salvage man from sin. “The result of sin, or the aftereffect of sin, remains within the sinful act. It’s like a person who feels thirsty after eating salt or gets burnt with acid. Or like a person who dies after drinking poison. The result of any sin is within that sinful act,” Rev Dr Jospeh Pamplani says.
  God is trying to salvage the man from the tragedy of sin. God always wants the salvation of man. God is waiting for the repentance of a sinner. The big plan devised by God for this salvation is confession of sin. This confession and repentance will salvage the sinner from the tragedy of sin and lead to salvation and the sustained flow of grace, he says.
 After sinning, if a person sits quietly as if nothing has happened, God is angry about this situation. God will safeguard the person who comes out of sin through confession and repentance.
 For example, King David committed several sins, but God salvaged David after he confessed his sins and repented. God then showered blessings on David.
 According to him, we must confess our sins. This is what the Church is doing through the sacrament of confession and repentance. This is not to be considered as the discovery of some churches with the apostolic tradition. This is also the perception from the Old Testament. “We are confessing our sins in front of the representatives of God like King David confessed his sins to Prophet Nathan,” Rev Dr Pamplani says.    
  When we follow the Ten Commandments, we should also keep in mind the parable of the rich man and Lazar in the Bible. The sin of this rich man was his providing for himself only. He failed to notice the sick beggar out on the street. In short, we must go out and seek such Lazars. In other words, just leading a good life and leading a sinless life is not enough. We must be able to identify the Lazars of this world.