Research studies establish Biblical truth about spiritual bodies
will happen to me after my death? Can you tell me about the death
experience?” my father used to ask me during his last days.
He died
at the age of 97 due to old age illness several years ago. My father
thought that his son being a senior doctor who has seen thousands of
deaths during his long years of medical practice knew something more
about it. There was nothing wrong with his thoughts. But the truth was that I could
not answer his questions then, because the near-death experience is
something which no one has reported with certainty.
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Dr Jose Paul MD |
happens to us after death or when we face near-death experience? Latest research studies agree with the
existence of spiritual bodies mentioned in the Bible. Damaged or
dying atoms of our physical body release countless photons which is
light energy. These photons can have consciousness. Photons, which
are indestructible, are the foundation of the new pure and perfect
body. Bystanders sometimes see
foggy light leaving the physical body of dying person. I would like
to connect science with Bible. The entire universe is created by
light. Life gets transformed from one form to another. Read on.
have seen the end stage of many dying people. But the appearance of
each one varied from person to person. In most of the young children,
death appears to be a very calm event and the breathing stops very
gradually. In the case of old people I have seen them making jerky
movements affecting the face and lips. Some people appear to bend
their body forward and stop breathing suddenly. Some people have
convulsive movements affecting their eyes and forehead. A few people
make shrieking sounds. Some people appear as if they were going to
talk something but die suddenly without making any sound.
movements of the lips are very common. Movements of the limbs like
myoclonic cramps appear in some people. I have seen one 28-year old
man dying of cardiac arrest while playing volley ball. Following each
cardiac massage, he used to shout ‘njekku…njekku’ (massage…
massage). After some time, his heart stopped and he died. What I mean
to say is that some people are fully conscious till the last moment.
But in most of the cases, the consciousness is lost just before the
end, and people stop responding to pain, touch and call. In my
opinion, death appears to be a painless process as the patient is
unconscious at the end. I feel that death is not a nightmare as we
fear. I have seen people appear to smile and die as if death is an
enjoyable process.
of my hospital sisters, who is also a nun, had an accidental electric
shock and was almost dead. She was not breathing, heart beating was
not heard and pulse not felt. But after some time, she took a long
breath and appeared as if she was coming back to life. She was
almost in coma for a long time and recovered.
recovery, she explained her near death experience (NDE). She felt as
if she was watching a film where various events from her childhood
were shown. She felt somebody pointing out her sinful acts during her
lifetime. She was telling ‘I am sorry Lord’ every time. Some of
you might have read the experience of dying people, like travelling
through a tunnel aiming at a bright light at the end of the tunnel.
may be called a near death experience (NDE) but nobody could mention
the after-death events, although some people have said that after the
end of the tunnel they have reached another universe which was full
of joy and peace. A few people have said during this period they
could meet their near and dear ones. But we are not sure how true
this is. I was wondering what exactly was happening at the time of
death and after that.
As we read from the Holy Bible, in St.Paul’s first letter to Corinthians 15:40, “There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 44. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 49. And as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.”
Luke 20 says: “Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels." 1 Thessalonians 4:13–17 says, "But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord."
I was surprised to read some research results affirming these
biblical truths about death. Research conclusions by Dutch scientist Maureen
Venselaar explain the scientific reasons for some features of Near
Death Experience (NDE) in one consistent Coherent theory based on
astrophysical phenomena. She gives the explanations for the five
phases of NDE.
people are severely traumatized they lose conscience. They hear
strange noise and feel vibrations and many small explosions in their
body. Near death people receive another consciousness and a different
‘ghostly body’ almost instantly made of light energy. They see
their own body in the death bed. They don’t feel any change in
their personality with no feeling of pain but in peace. They can hear
and see but cannot communicate with earthly people.
to Maureen, who belongs to the Institute of Noetic Sciences, damaged or dying atoms of our physical body release
countless photons which is light energy. They could hear explosions
within the body. These photons can have consciousness, with our daily
consciousness transformed into another broader transcendent
consciousness. These photons are indestructible. So next life can be
eternal life. These photons can carry information about who we were
and are. As near death trauma gets more severe near death people see
themselves moving away from their physical body. They see earth, moon
and stars, They realize they are getting as small as a sand of grain
with their body of light. Then a tunnel opens and they travel through
the tunnel faster than speed of light to a heavenly light at the end
of the tunnel. This light is like a magnet. They experience sounds
and colours.
research says the more we reach the end of this life, more photons
are released from our physical body. More photons means more compact
our new body gets. As beings of light our ‘ghostly’ body of light
is reduced to a tiny dot. The effect of gravity that cause
contraction of a substance can lead to a black hole. It is a real
hole in the fabric of space. It s not black but surrounded by light.
travel through this tunnel gets faster until we reach the end of the
tunnel to a great light. Only dead people cross this border and enter
the other world. At the end of the tunnel, the NDE people have a life
review, meeting other beings of light. Communication is instant like
telepathy. Then there is a moment of Judgment, but that moment is
full of grace and love. The reason seems to be
light=love=knowledge/information. They know all the answers to all
the questions of mankind. They also see two whirl tornadoes like two
large sand glass, the upper tornado spinning clockwise and outward,
the lower tornado spinning anticlockwise and inward.
scientist Stephen Hawkins says, theoretical model of our universe and
the other universe is like a sandglass. It has an upper tornado and a
lower tornado spinning in opposite directions. As NDE people they can
travel through this tunnel to the edge of our universe. That is, this
tunnel is the door to another astral universe.
in the last phase is as follows. Near death people can sometimes
choose between blue/green beam of light or a red/pink beam. It is
like they know blue beam means continuing their life on earth and red
means end of life on earth, but receiving an eternal life in another
people entering back into their physical body experience a reversal
of all these processes they have gone through. They have forgotten
all the wisdom they knew, when they were nearby the heavenly light.
The red and blue colours they have seen may be due to Doppler effect.
Matter looks blue/green means life on Earth and red/pink is created
by matter which travels away from us.
near-death people, we return to earth with our compact out-of-body
essence (during our journey through the tunnel/the private
intra-universe wormhole). After this journey we will unfold nearby/in
our physical body due to the reduction of the force of gravity. All
the light-energy flows back into (the atoms of) the physical body and
connect with it. Electromagnetic values probably change again. And
after a while if our trauma doesn’t get worse we’ll gain our
daily consciousness.
is said that love never ends. This is true as per Biblical
description and the research experience. Jesus has said “I’m the
light of the world”. God is love. So one can say that the spiritual
body and photon body aims at the one point, that is love. Life is
eternal as I have mentioned earlier. So we can see that love also is
might have seen Laser shows, where you see the shadow of living
things. The photon bodies of NDE people could be explained as it is
similar to the laser show. In aura photography one could see the aura
light around a person. This explains presence of photon bodies. Many
a time patients after amputation complains, pain over the leg which
is already amputated. This explains the presence of photon body in
the place of physical body.
I am interested is the similarity between the biblical description
and the research findings. I shall be happy If I could give a small
prick to to those who believe the Holy Bible with brain, more than
the heart, as I was once. In the Bible as well as in the research
experience we find a tiny interval between the near death experience
and the actual death, when there is a change occurring in the
physical body.
physical body is converted into a shadow of the physical body by the
condensation of the photon particles in the light, according to the
research experience. The spiritual body and photon body can pass
through objects unnoticed by others. The spiritual body of Jesus is
mentioned in the Bible as seen in Mathew 28:9. Suddenly Jesus met
them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his
feet and worshiped him, says Mark 16:12.
later appeared in a different form to two of them while they were
walking in the country. As Luke 24:36 says, Jesus
appears to the disciples -- while they were still talking about this,
Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with
to the research experience, the photon body can recognize their loved
ones while travelling through the black hole and the tunnel. The aim
of the body is towards a light. The spiritual body of Jesus was taken
up to Heaven and was seated at the right hand of the Father.
had said “I am the light of the world” and “I and my Father are
one”. Therefore the spiritual body of Jesus had gone to the Father
who is the light. In Ephesus 2:6, we read that together with Christ
Jesus, He (God) also raised us up and seated us in the heavens. As
we read in the Bible, the life is being continued even after death.
The research experience also agrees with this, saying that the life
continues as photon bodies after death. In both the cases the life
never ends and we live forever.
is not sure about the next universe where we are going to live, as
nobody has reported the after death experience. The apparitions
described by religious people may be the spiritual bodies or the
photon bodies of the dead.
Venselaar, PhD
author is Director and Senior Consultant in internal medicine, Mount
Sinai Hospital)