Monday 14 April 2014

Confront Satan, cast him out… or he’ll destroy you

  As the countdown for the passion of the Lord Jesus that started six weeks ago has now entered the last round, the Holy Week, it’s time for Christians to intensify their battle against Satan, the obnoxious and detestable charlatan. For, this imposter is still roaming around, trying to hoodwink you and me and prevent us from entering the Kingdom of our Lord.

It's fact that our life is a sustained struggle against the evil forces just as Jesus during his life had to struggle against the devil, the king all lies and deceit. Jesus showed us the way by keeping satan away. The Holy Week is the right time for us to take a right step forward.
  During the 40-day period that Jesus spent in the desert, the Holy Spirit -- having descended upon Him after His baptism in the Jordan -- urged Him to openly confront Satan in the wilderness before beginning His public mission. This’s what we should also do. Confront him. And cast him out. Or satan will destroy many of us. 
  Lent is the period to renew our baptismal promises, renouncing these mountebanks and his seductions, in order to walk the paths of God and ‘to arrive at Easter in the joy of the Spirit’. Don’t stop the battle on the 40th day – the Easter. On Holy Saturday, or Easter eve, we renew our baptismal vow of renouncing satan and his ways. We should renew our battle against satan with new vigour from Easter. Read the Gospel and you will get a clear idea how to go about it.    
 Dear friends, satan is our numero uno enemy. He’s the one who is snatching people from entering the Lord’s Kingdom. So we need to build up our fight against satan.
 During a May 24, 1987 visit to the sanctuary of Saint Michael the Archangel, John Paul II said, "the battle against the devil which is the principal task of Michael the archangel, is still being fought today, because the devil is still alive and active in the world. The evil that surrounds us today, the disorders that that plague our society, man's inconsistency and brokenness are not only the results of original sin but also the result of Satan's pervasive and dark action."
  Devil can attack us through many ways. This evil spirit can influence us through other people, calumny, jealousy, internet, infidelity, idolatry, liquor, books etc. Identify such vulnerabilities and keep away from it. And seek directions and blessings from the Holy Spirit.
 Pope Francis last week said the life of every Christian is a constant battle against evil just as Jesus during his life had to struggle against the devil and his many temptations. And he warned that whoever wants to follow Jesus must be aware of this reality, Vatican Radio said quoting Pope.
 “We too are tempted, we too are the target of attacks by the devil because 
the spirit of Evil does not want our holiness, he does not want our Christian witness, he does not want us to be disciples of Christ,” the pontiff said.
  And what does the Spirit of Evil do, through his temptations, to distance us from the path of Jesus?
  The temptation of the devil has three characteristics and we need to learn about them in order not to fall into the trap.
 “Firstly, his temptation begins gradually but grows and is always growing. Secondly, it grows and infects another person, it spreads to another and seeks to be part of the community. And in the end, in order to calm the soul, it justifies itself. It grows, it spreads and it justifies itself,"  Pope said.
 What harm can the devil cause to the loving?  There’re ordinary and extraordinary activities. “There are six different forms for the second category: External physical pain caused by satan, demonic possession, diabolical oppression, diabolic obsession, diabolic infestation and diabolical subjugation or dependence," writes Fr Gabriele Amorth, chief exorcist of Rome, in his book on exorcism.
 Most of the evil influence can be neutralized with prayers and a life in Jesus. In some extreme cases, some people may need the help of priests who are trained exorcists. According to the Catechism of Catholic Church, there are two types of exorcism: the sacrament of baptism, which is the only form of simple exorcism, and the sacramental reserved to exorcists, which is called solemn exorcism. (CCC 1673). The second type is done by trained priests.
  Pope Francis urged people to be vigilant and not to give in to that initial temptation of satan and thus allow it to spread to others and justify itself.
"We are all tempted because the law of our spiritual life, our Christian life is a struggle: a struggle. That’s because the Prince of this world, Satan, doesn’t want our holiness, he doesn’t want us to follow Christ.” And he warned that whoever wants to follow Jesus must be aware of this reality.
“We too are tempted, we too are the target of attacks by the devil because the spirit of Evil does not want our holiness, he does not want our Christian witness, he does not want us to be disciples of Christ.”
   The devil is here… even in the 21st century. And we  mustn’t be naïve, right? We must learn from the Gospel how to fight against Satan.

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