Monday 18 January 2021


 A new book is being launched on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback versions. 

 Title: Beware of Devil the destroyer

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Sunday 10 January 2021

‘Allah’ of Islam is a pagan moon god, not God the Father in Bible

  There’s considerable misconception among people that Allah of Islam and God the Father in the Holy Bible are the same person. It is not true. The Allah of Islam is the moon idol or god of ancient pagan Arabia.

 Quran has liberally taken ideas and verses from the Holy Bible which was written many centuries earlier. It also talks about killing, looting and many evil things. This is not from the Bible or God. Quran says a person who is not an Islam believer is to be killed. This is from devil.

 True, the literal meaning of Allah is God, but it’s an invented god by a tribe in the Middle East Asia region nearly 1400 years ago. History books say that there were around 360 gods in the Arabian region around Israel – mainly in Mecca, the birth place of Muhammed Nabi. The chief god was supposed to be the Allah. During the period of Muhammed Nabi and his followers in the early 600 AD, they destroyed all other 360 idol gods and retained only the chief god Allah – or the moon god.

 Nabi and followers plundered, looted and killed to spread the concept of moon god or Allah in the following centuries. They are believed to be descendants of Ismail, the son of Abraham from the maid of his wife Sarah.

While Yahweh or Jehovah is the personal name of the God of the Bible, "Allah" is the personal name of the moon god

 During 500-600 AD, pagan Arabians worshipped their moon god Allah. They prayed while bowing toward K'abah (the house of Allah) in Mecca that has a meteorite (a rock from space) several times a day. They visited it once a year, and walked around it several times during their visit.

 Muslims pray bowing toward the K'abah (right) in Mecca five times a day. About two million Muslims visit Mecca every year and walk around the K'abah (the black cube, which is 40 feet tall). The Muslim holy month of Ramadan starts at the sighting of a new crescent moon.

 Yes, Muslims worship crescent moon in the name of Allah. You can see crescent moon perched atop mosques across the world.

 Muslims insist that "Allah" means al + ilah (the god) who is same as the God of the Bible -- not the moon god of pagan Mecca. They even point out that Arabic Christian Bibles use "Allah" to refer to God.

 However, the "Allah" in the Arabic Christian Bibles is literally "the God" and does refer to the God of the Bible and Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Quran is a distortion of facts. It contains mostly fabricated lies and evil ideas. It can come only from devil.

 If the Muslims insist that what the they are worshipping is real God, then why are bowing down to a meteorite five times a day and start their holy month -- or Ramadan -- on the crescent moon? Why they are putting crescent moon atop their mosques and homes? If the "Allah" they are worshipping is genuinely the God of the Bible, then they should worship Him as the Bible instructs. They should accept Jesus as Son of God.

 But they don’t do it. Muslims reject the fact that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. They reject the fact that Jesus resurrected on the third day. They contend that Jesus is just a prophet.

 Nabi’s followers took chapters from the Old Testament, added more stuff into it and twisted facts. This was done to create a false impression of credibility and authenticity to their misdemeanours and moon god. They created Quran which has several lies and full of misinformation. Quran was created by Nabi’s followers over 600 years after the death of Jesus Christ. The verses in Quran are misleading and the god that they are worshipping is a moon idol.

The Quran and Muslims have always rejected the divinity of Jesus and refused to accept Him as the Son of God or God himself who came to the world for the salvation of humankind. This falsity is being spread by Satan through Islam. This started from the time of Muhammed Nabi who spread the falsehood that Allah (who they claim to be almighty God) appeared to him in a dream and conveyed the teachings that eventually appeared as Quran. This is the biggest fraud in the history of mankind.