Wednesday, 30 March 2016

'God is greater than our sin'

“God is greater than all the sins we may do. God is greater than our sin.” That’s what Pope Francis reminded pilgrims at the general audience on March 30.
 In his remarks in Italian, the Pope said God's infinite mercy wipes away our sins like the dry cleaner eliminates the stains from our clothes. But “divine forgiveness is supremely effective,” Pope said.  Unlike the dry cleaner, however, “it doesn’t hide the sin; it destroys it and cancels it… God eliminates our sin from its very roots – all of it.”
 In his catechesis, Pope Francis reflected on the penitential prayer Psalm 51 from the Old Testament. In ancient Hebrew tradition, the Pope noted, the psalm refers to a penitent King David who, trusting in God’s mercy, humbly prays for forgiveness after he committed not simply “a small lie” but the great sins of adultery and murder.
Pope Francis invited those gathered in Saint Peter’s square to raise their hands if any among them had not sinned in his or her lifetime.  He remarked that no one present had raised a hand and observed that “we are all sinners” and some people find themselves sinning over and over again.
 Like a child who reaches up to his parents to lift him after a fall - noted the Pope, when we fall in sin, we can raise our hand to God who will pull us up.  “God created man and woman to stand upright,” said the Pope.  "It is beautiful to be forgive, but you too, if you want to be pardoned, you should also forgive.  Forgive," he said.
 In his continuing catechesis for the Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said, "we now conclude our treatment of the Old Testament with a consideration of Psalm 51, the Miserere."  This Psalm is traditionally seen as King David’s prayer for forgiveness following his sin with Bathsheba.  Its opening words: “Have mercy on me, O God in your kindness”, are a moving confession of sin, repentance and confident hope in God’s merciful pardon.  Together with a heartfelt plea to be cleansed and purified of his sin, the Psalmist sings the praise of God’s infinite justice and holiness.  He asks for the forgiveness of his great sin but also for the gift of a pure heart and a steadfast spirit, so that, thus renewed, he may draw other sinners back to the way of righteousness.  God’s forgiveness is the greatest sign of his infinite mercy.  Through the prayers of Mary, Mother of Mercy, may we become ever more convincing witnesses to that divine mercy which forgives our sins, creates in us a new heart, and enables us to proclaim God’s reconciling love to the world.

Saturday, 12 March 2016


By Fr James Manjackal M.S.F.S.

 I know that many Christians all over the world, are really sad and upset over the present persecution of Christianity everywhere, especially in the Middle East, by the ISIS and in Africa by the Boko Haram. These two groups – with the support of many other Islamic terrorist groups – have proclaimed a “Jihad” (holy war) against Christianity and its followers. Christians are beheaded, shot, crucified, buried, burned alive and mutilated. Women and children are raped and abused. Thousands of Christians have fled their homes and their homeland, and they are now forced to live in various refugee camps in alien countries.
 In the hostage beheading & burning videos, we see the terrorists along with their onlookers singing songs and worshipping their god (Allah) in Arabic language as in the times of persecution of the early church by Nero, Constantine, Diocletian, etc. under the Roman Empire. In those times when Christians were thrown before wild animals like lions, tigers, leopards etc. or burned alive and crucified, the pagans were clapping hands and singing songs to their god!

 The other day a man asked me with much anger in his heart towards the present Christian persecution, “why don’t we go with weapons of mass destruction – like nuclear bombs and destroy these murderers?”


 Dear brothers and sisters, we must know that Jesus our Lord had foretold that a day would come when His followers would be persecuted and killed by the enemies and that they would think that they would be worshipping God by doing so, “They will expel you from the synagogues; in fact the hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he is offering worship to God” (Jn 16: 2). In the following words He had also explained the reason for this persecution and killings, “They will do this because they have not known either the Father or me” (Jn 16: 3). While on earth Jesus had told His followers, “If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you did not belong to the world and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you” (Jn 15: 18-21).

 Hence the reasons of persecution are clear; it is because we Christians belong to Christ and to His Father, it is because we are chosen by Christ through His Spirit, it is because our aim in life is the Kingdom of heaven, it is because we try to live a holy life according to the commandments of God and the Church, “In fact, all who want to live religiously in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (II Tim 3: 12)

 After the second Vatican Council, through various renewal movements, especially through the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Christians all over the world were awakened to God’s call for a holy life; many indeed have committed themselves to Christ as authentic witnesses of His love. Through prayers, Sacramental life, and prayer groups Christianity is being renewed and strengthened. Surely Satan, the enemy, is enraged at the renewal and growth of Christianity and he is trying to use men and women from all religions to fight against Christians. He is sifting the church with his cunning plans and tactics (Eph 6: 10-18, 1 Pt 5:8).


 Jesus had already told that we are in the world like sheep amidst wolves and He had warned us not to be afraid of those who kill the body but to be afraid only of those who kill the soul and body in hell (Mt 10: 16, 26-27). It is not a time to be sad and depressed or to nurture a spirit of retaliation in the heart towards the enemies of Christianity. It is a time to rejoice and to be glad because the Lord is blessing all Christians through these sufferings. Every suffering in the Name of Jesus brings an abundance of blessings either for the individual or the society.

 In His Sermon on the Mount Jesus said that Christian suffering is blessedness, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven” (Mt 5:10: 12). Also we see similar teaching by the first Pope Peter, “Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as if something strange were happening to you. But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when his glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly. If you are insulted for the Name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you” (I Pet 4:12: 14).
We know that those who are persecuted and killed are really saints and martyrs in heaven. It is about them that Jesus says, “ These are the ones who have survived the times of great distress, they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. For this reason they stand before God’s throne, and worship Him day and night in his temple. The one who sits on the throne will shelter them” ( Rev 7:14-15)


 As authentic followers of Christ, at this moment, we Christians should be able to forgive our persecutors and murderers as our master, Jesus Himself, has taught us. We must put on the mind of Christ who forgave and prayed for His persecutors and murderers, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do” (Lk 23: 34). We must pray that the Holy Spirit may open their hearts to know and to believe in Christ Jesus the only savior of the world and through Him, His and our Father in heaven.

 Jesus has told us thus, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Mt 5: 44). St. Paul says, “Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse” (Rom 12: 14). Also he said not to retaliate or to take revenge, but go the extent of helping and feeding the enemy (Rom 12: 19-21).

 I know that all over the world Christians are praying to the Lord for an ending of this persecution by the recital of rosaries, the way of the cross, the chaplet of the Divine Mercy, as well as offering Holy Masses along with fasting and penance. I heard that Christians in Kerala, although only a few in number are offering one hundred million way of the cross, rosaries and fasting for this purpose!!! Let us continue loving our enemies and praying for them so that one day the persecutors themselves may become God’s children and our brothers and sisters. Of course we need the power of the Holy Spirit to do this; but we must know that the Holy Spirit has been poured into our hearts through prayers and sacraments in the church (Rom 5:5).


 “Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise, making the most of the opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not continue in ignorance, but try to understand what is the will of the Lord” (Eph 5: 15-17). Why does Jesus allow such a persecution on those who follow Him? I think Jesus is giving us a chance to examine our consciences to see if we are really living an authentic Christian life. Is it not true that many Christians have left their faith in Christ and His church and are living as pagans, atheists, communists and a few even have become antichrists denying Jesus and His Father and are working against Christianity (I Jn 2: 22)?
 It is sad that there are baptized Christians amidst the ISIS and the Boko Haram! What is said in the books of Jeremiah and Isaiah are true of them, “Two evils have my people done: they have forsaken me, the source of living waters. They have dug themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that hold no water” (Jer 2: 13). “… the Lord speaks: sons have I raised a reared, but they have disowned me! An ox knows its owner, and an ass its master’s manger, but my people do not know me or understand me” (Is 1: 2-3).

 Perhaps it is true that the power of Satan, who is a murderer and destroyer is more at work in the world today because of the involvement of Christians themselves in Satanism, freemasonry, esoteric and new age. The Christians who once called upon the name of Jesus, are calling on Satan now in temples, lodges and places dedicated to Satan! Is it not Christians who brought the culture of death to this world in the present days by promoting abortion and euthanasia? It is deplorable that many Christian countries have legalized them!!! It was prophesied by late pope Paul VI that if free license is given to kill the children in the mother’s womb, one day man will kill each other without law nor license. Yes this is happening now!!!

 Do we, who grieve over the murderers of thousands of Christians by Boko Haram and ISIS, grieve and mourn over the millions and millions massacred in the mother’s wombs by the weapons of the doctors!!! It is a shame that Christians are breaking the law and values of morality by promoting free sex, homosexuality, pornography, divorce, etc. Jesus our Master, taught us ways and rules to live an upright life, but we who boast of the law dishonour God by breaking the law. Because of us the name of the Lord is reviled among the gentiles (Rom 2: 23-24). Indeed we are re-crucifying the Son of God and holding Him to contempt (Heb 6:6). The book of wisdom says, “A man is punished by the very things through which he sins”  (Wis 11: 16).

 St Peter said, “But let no one among you be made to suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evil doer or as an intriguer” (I Pet 4: 15). I think that reading the signs of the times in the light of the Word of God in the bible and the teachings of the church, Christians should repent of their own sins and failures and return to the Lord by a decision to follow the commandments of the Lord and the church. The Lord says, “Return to me and I will return to you” (Zac 1: 3).  “We are being collapsed through our own sins, let us turn to the Lord and say, ‘forgive all iniquity’” (Hos 14: 2-3). Christians should live their identity; they are a people chosen by God – as Gods own people, as royal priests and a holy nation to bear witness to His love (I Pet 2 :9). St. Peter says, “For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorance of foolish people” (I Pet 2: 15).


 Let the enemies of the church know that Christianity is fire and if anyone blows the fire it will spread far and wide burning out all that is bad. The Roman Empire that tried to exterminate the maiden Christianity later became a Christian empire and even today Rome is the center of Christianity. Those who crucified Jesus the Son of God as a criminal thought that the story of this man who did signs and wonders ended with the crucifixion, but He became the superstar that attracted billions and billions all over the world. The whole world is divided into His followers and others.  Christians don’t just believe in an institution called the church or its dogmas, but they are following a person who is Jesus Himself, the second person of the Holy Trinity who came to this world to conquer the world by love.

 The power of the Risen Lord is radiating on every human being on earth, even on those who are his enemies. To every persecutor of Christianity Jesus is telling the same words He spoke to Saul, Paul of Tarsus, who tried to destroy the church by entering Christian houses and dragging out men and women to be persecuted and killed, “Why are you persecuting me. It is hard for you to kick against the goad” (Acts 8:3, 26: 14). Jesus Christ whose name is Emmanuel – God with us, promised His followers His living presence and protection saying, “I will be with you until the end of the world” (Mt 28: 20).
 Christians will conquer the evil force of today by the power of the Blood of Christ and by the word of their testimony, the dragon of persecution will be crushed down and the power of the Risen Christ will be manifested by the conversions of the persecutors and murderers  themselves like in the case of St. Paul (Rev 12: 11). The Christians will fight with the Lamb, who is Christ, and He will conquer the enemy, for He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and those with Him are called chosen and faithful (Rev 17: 14).

 The church will rise again as powerful from the present crisis with the power of the Risen Lord in unity and sanctity. Christ is the center and focus of humanity and He will shine upon everyone and He will reign here on earth, and in His own time He will gather them to His kingdom in eternity (Rev 5: 10, 7: 17).
 Jesus is Risen indeed, Hallelujah, He lives for ever and ever!!!!
(Fr. James Manjackal, the Founder-Director of the renowned MSFS retreat and renewal centre, Charis Bhavan, in Kerala is currently engaged in preaching retreats and renewal programmes in Europe, America and Gulf countries. His retreats have captured the hearts of many, especially the youth. For more information on his ministry and activities kindly log on to his website:

Monday, 7 March 2016

Our Jesus, your Jesus – the great divide on Calvary Hills. A HOLY LAND TRAVEL STORY

  “Move fast. Don’t stop,” shouted the burly Greek Orthodox priest who was controlling the crowd lined up outside the main altar at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the walled old city of Jerusalem. It’s the holiest of the holy places on earth for Christians — yes, it’s Golgotha, on the hills of Calvary where Jesus Christ was crucified. This is also place where Jesus was buried (the Sepulchre, or tomb).
  The priest allowed us – 26 pilgrims from Mumbai led by Rev Fr Xavier Kanatt — only a few seconds. We just had a glimpse of the Rock of Calvary, or the 12th Station of the Cross, which can be seen under glass on both sides of the altar. And directly underneath the altar is a hole where the Roman soldiers raised the cross, where the salvific presence of God is revealed. It’s an emotional place and moment for every Christian, but the Orthodox priests manning the area would have none of it. They shooed away our friends, Dubai-based couple Sony and Annu, who were furiously clicking pictures of the most venerated place.
 The division in Christianity is amply on display here. The site is shared by several Christian churches. While Greek Orthodox controls the main altar, the Roman Catholic Church, led by Franciscan priests, controls an altar on the other side which is the Chapel on the Nailing of the Cross or the 11th Station of the Cross. The Eastern Orthodox Church has a chapel on the east side which houses a statue of Mary. It’s also the 13th Station of the Cross and also the place where Jesus’ body was removed from the cross. “There are occasional skirmishes among church groups inside the site. Nobody wants to lose control of their areas,” said our guide, a Christian from Galilea. 
  While Franciscans were credited with rebuilding the site, control of the church swung back and forth among various church groups. Tired of the squabbling, Sublime Porte — which is the Ottoman Courtin Constantinople — divided the church among different churches. Now the church, which was destroyed and rebuilt several times in 2000 years, is surrounded by markets, souvenir shops and minarets.
  “They (pilgrims) would like peace and quiet around them, but they feel the confusion amongst the five groups that occupy it – the Franciscans, the Greek Orthodox, the Armenians, the Syrians and the Coptic Orthodox – who zealously guard their right of being there,” says Fr Artemio Vítores, OFM, Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land. It is actually the only place in the world where love for God is manifested in the clearest and deepest way, but so is the human weakness of wanting to monopolise that same God, he said candidly.
 The main custodians of the site are the Eastern Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic and Roman Catholic Churches, with the Greek Orthodox Church having the lion’s share. The Coptic Orthodox, the Ethiopian Orthodox and the Syriac Orthodox acquired small portions of the site in the 19th century. Strangely, the keys to the main entrance of the church are being held by a Sunni Muslim family — which had links with Prophet Muhammad — for several centuries. “It’s unbelievable,” my wife said.
  When we visited the compound, some areas of the site were in a dilapidated condition. “You can’t touch the common areas in the site for renovation without the consent of all the churches. That’s why some areas are in acute state of repair,” said our guide.  
 “Pilgrims wonder where the hill, the garden and the tomb are, wishing that the principal sanctuary of Christianity stood in majestic isolation from the rest and that natural light illuminated it all, far from the crowd and darkness,” Fr Vitores’s message on the Franciscans website says. You can’t miss the hostile glances of priests on the site. They are looking at each other suspiciously. Different church groups had clashed inside the sanctum sanctorum for even silly reasons, our guide said.
  The journey of Jesus to Calvary, with the cross on His shoulders, was painful. If you take the same route now, in these modern times, you will be shocked. The path to Calvary is through a market area where people sell all paraphernalia. Several Stations of the Cross fall in the market area which is always crowded with hawkers and there was barely any space for our group of 26 pilgrims from Mumbai. “It’s unbelievable… the path that Roman soldiers and Jewish priests took to bring Jesus to Calvary s in such a bad condition,” my wife said again.
  Is the Israeli government listening?
  Franciscans say that it’s “important that the pilgrim, who feel bewildered, allow themselves to be embraced by the mystery and understand that like him, thousands of other pilgrims considered it worth risking their lives to adore our Saviour”.
 As Fr Vitores wrote, only kneeling on the Empty Tomb and forgetting everything that surrounds Him, will the pilgrim be able to hear the words of the angel “He is not here! He is risen! Come see the place where the Lord lay.”
   Franciscans manage St Catherine church in Bethlehem, Gethsemane garden of olives, the shrine of flagellation, VII Station, the Basilica of Annunciation in Nazareth, Church of first miracle in Cana, the shrine of Transfiguration on Mount Tabor and archaeological work at Capernahum and Magdala.